In the early morning light at Mashatu Game Reserve, a group of enthusiastic travel writers found themselves immersed in one of Africa’s most extraordinary wildlife encounters. The Matebole Hide, a renowned photographic hide at eye level with an active watering hole, set the stage for a morning of awe-inspiring moments that none of us will soon forget.
Award-Winning Photography Opportunities
The hide’s unique positioning allows photographers to capture stunning angles of the various animals that come to drink, creating a rare closeness to nature that is simply unparalleled. This award-winning hide has been the backdrop for countless images that have gone on to win photography awards across the globe, and after our experience, it’s easy to see why.
The Enchanting Birdlife
Our morning began with the enchanting birdlife, from the various Dove species to the small, vibrant Blue Waxbill, and even the distinctive African Spoonbill. Skittish impalas mingled with the birds, their delicate frames reflected in the still water as they took cautious sips. But the true stars of the show were the elephants.
The Elephant Encounter of a Lifetime
Imagine watching a single giant elephant drinking at eye level—a memory to cherish forever. Now, multiply that by over 200 elephants spread across nine herds, all converging on the watering hole. It’s an experience that defies description.
The sensory impact is profound: the deep, rhythmic thud of their feet on the earth as they march closer, the intricate details of their wrinkled skin just inches away, the unmistakable scent of the herd as they gather around, and the sound of their tails swishing or their trunks trumpeting softly. This is an encounter that will transform anyone into a fervent nature lover.
Booking a Hide Session at Mashatu
When you visit Mashatu and stay at one of our homely and luxurious lodges, you can book a morning or afternoon session at the hide as an additional activity. A ranger will guide you from your lodge to the hide, where a professional photographer from PhotoMashatu will join you, offering expert tips and sharing fascinating wildlife insights. Refreshments and snacks are provided, along with essential photography accessories like gimbals and mini beanbags to support your camera gear.
For guests staying at our flagship five-star Euphorbia villas, you can even opt to replace a traditional game drive with a hide session at no extra cost—just one of the many perks of Euphorbia.
A Memory to Last a Lifetime
Typically, a hide session lasts about three hours, but with hundreds of elephants gracing the scene, we found it difficult to tear ourselves away. If you haven’t already, we urge you to book your next safari trip to Mashatu Game Reserve and ensure a hide session is part of your adventure. It’s a memory that will last a lifetime.